The Artist Herself:
Thank you so much for visiting my website! It is a privilege to share my art and my journey with you.
Up to very recently, I have been fulltime involved in a formal sector for over 30 years. Throughout these years, I would always find something for my hands to do in my free time, but never thought of myself as an artist.
During early February 2017, I suddenly felt empty. Like something was missing, but I did not know what. For days I poured my heart out to God and asked Him to help me find that which was missing. At one stage, early in the morning, I had a vision of Hannah in the temple, crying to our God most High to give her a son! 1 Samuel 1:10 (MSG)
Around 3pm on the 15thof February 2017, God dropped in my spirit that I was going to paint. Up to this point I have never painted (except for the house walls!) before, neither did I have any form of art training. The next afternoon I bought a few tubes of acrylic paint and painted my first painting on a piece of hardboard during the evening on the 16thof February.
The past years have been an amazing journey of faith, trust and prayer.
I do not know yet where this gift will go. I do know that it will grow. I hope that my art makes people smile. I pray that the viewer will look at my art, turn their eyes to Jesus, realize how much hope there is and how beautiful life could be.
We serve a God of second chances and He makes everything beautiful in His time.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Please enjoy this journey with me!
Ps 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.